

Sunday, January 1, 2023 by C. F. Sherrow

Hello, friends.

After a year of serious turmoil (more on that later), I am finally coming back to the blog. Back to my roots, you might say.

Fifteen months ago, I sustained a serious concussion in a car accident where the other driver ran a red light. My 89 year old mom was in the car with me. And it’s been ups and downs for us both ever since. Frankly, more downs than ups until recently.

So, for a while, I am going to unearth some oldies but goodies from my blog archives. Once a week, it will either be a reflection from my new circumstances, or a hidden jewel. Whatever works at the time.

So, here goes. How about exploring some truths that we often doubt?

  1. God is good. Have you ever felt like He wasn’t good? Believe me, I’ve been wondering about and doubting His goodness this past year. But just because my mind is having trouble doesn’t mean my spirit isn’t still believing the truth.
  2. He loves me. Okay, this one is a little easier to hang onto. The problem is believing His consistency. Does He love me all the time, in all circumstances? It’s been kind of tough.
  3. He wants only the best for me. Unfortunately, His definition and mine seem to be different at times. Again, those pesky feelings get in the way!
  4. He is faithful. Hmm. Consistency again. Is He faithful when I can’t see what He’s doing, when nothing seems to change for the better? This one takes a little more effort. A little more faith, more belief.

I guess it all comes down to choice, doesn’t it? Can I trust Him when all I can see are walls blocking my way — no open doors, no windows in sight?

Can we consistently make that choice to trust?

Only time (and practice) will tell.







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Previous Posts

Faithful God
cf sherrow


But I Can't Even Love Myself!
C. F. Sherrow


This Sucks!
C. F. Sherrow


Assistance, Please?
C. F. Sherrow


Being God for Someone Else
C. F. Sherrow


Transfixed by His Gaze
C. F. Sherrow


Thrown to the Lions
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C. F. Sherrow


Is God Really in Control of it All?
C. F. Sherrow


Faith or Fatalism?
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Hey, Who's in Charge Here?
C. F. Sherrow
